The Basics of Lawn Care

A healthy lawn requires regular mowing, weed control and fertilization. It also needs aeration to prevent thatch and help roots reach the soil.

Lawn Care

Watering should be done in the early morning to avoid disease problems and allow most of the water to evaporate. A soil test helps determine how much to water. Visit to learn more.

A healthy lawn requires a good supply of water. Frequent, shallow watering encourages grass roots to stay close to the surface where they receive lots of moisture. These shallow roots are less resistant to drought stress, weather changes and disease. Infrequent, deep watering on the other hand, encourages grass roots to form strong systems underground where they are better able to cope with these stressors.

The duration and frequency of your lawn care irrigation depends on the climate and type of turfgrass. However, watering is always a key element to a lush, green lawn.

Your lawn may need more frequent watering in the hotter summer months when environmental conditions are more dry and stressful. Conversely, a lawn in the spring and fall when environmental conditions are more humid will require less water.

Early morning is the best time to water the lawn. This reduces evaporation, helps prevent fungal growth and avoids scalding the grass. It is also a more efficient way to water because the sun heats up the soil and makes it easier for the water to penetrate into the root zone.

Observing the first signs of wilting in your lawn is a good indication that the grass needs to be watered. However, it is important to perform a soil test to determine the type of soil your property has and how often it needs to be watered. A soil test can reveal the relative proportion of sand, silt and clay that are present in your yard’s soil. Clay soils are fine-textured and hold onto water like a sponge, so they don’t need to be watered as often. Sand soils, on the other hand, drain very slowly and are slow to absorb moisture.

Keeping a healthy, green lawn is an important part of a property’s curb appeal and its value. Regular mowing, proper fertilization and aeration are just some of the steps that lawn services take to keep your grass healthy and prevent diseases and insect infestations. Additional lawn care services include weed control, organic debris cleanup, disease management and lawn disease monitoring.


Grass needs a variety of nutrients to thrive, including nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (also known as N-P-K). Fertilizers supply these nutrients to grass, improving its health and overall appearance. It also makes it more resistant to weeds and pests.

Usually, lawns have a natural balance of these nutrients, but they can become depleted over time. That’s why regular fertilization is important for healthy, lush lawns. In addition, fertilizers help improve soil structure by introducing organic matter and allowing for water and oxygen penetration.

However, a lawn must be carefully fertilized to avoid over-fertilizing and pollution of local water sources. Too much nitrogen and phosphorous can lead to the buildup of harmful algae in bodies of water. The proper fertilization process requires an understanding of the soil and its nutrient levels, as well as a thorough knowledge of a lawn’s needs.

Fertilizers should be applied during the growing season, when grass is able to absorb them. The best times to apply fertilizer are spring, summer and fall.

A common mistake people make when fertilizing is applying it to wet soil. The excess moisture can cause the nutrients to run off into the water system, causing pollution and damaging local ecosystems.

To prevent this from happening, a lawn should be aerated before fertilizing it. Aerating breaks up thatch and allows for water and oxygen to penetrate deeper into the soil. This is important because it gives the grass a more even root growth and reduces the likelihood of fungus.

It is also crucial to note that not all lawn fertilizers are created equal. Grass requires different ratios of N-P-K, so the right fertilizer should be selected and applied based on the type of grass that is growing in the lawn. In order to determine the proper ratio for your lawn, a soil test should be conducted. This will tell you the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay in your soil. It will also indicate the soil’s nutrient levels and where they are lacking. While there are at-home soil kits that can provide a general reading, sending a sample to a laboratory for a more accurate analysis is recommended.

Weed Control

Weed control is a key aspect of lawn care, and it’s important to remove weeds as soon as you see them. Weeds not only detract from the aesthetics of your yard, but they also compete with desired plants for resources like water and nutrients. Additionally, they can harbor diseases and pests that may spread to your lawn or garden.

The most effective way to prevent weeds is to combine improved lawn care practices with the use of pre-emergent and/or post-emergent herbicide. These products block the germination of weed seeds, and kill existing weeds on contact. It is recommended that you apply these products in the spring, and be sure to read the label before using them.

There are many different types of weeds that can infest your yard, and each type requires a specific approach to get rid of them. Some common weeds include dandelions, crabgrass, and clover. Once these weeds are established in your yard, they can be difficult to remove.

In addition to using herbicides, there are a number of other things that you can do to improve your weed control. For instance, mowing regularly and making sure to never cut more than 1/3 of the height of the grass will help keep weeds from growing. In addition, regular feedings with a quality weed and feed or fertilizer will make your lawn thicker and stronger, which makes it less of a hospitable home for weeds.

If you are struggling to keep your yard weed-free, consider contacting a professional weed control service. These services will provide you with a customized plan to eliminate the weeds in your yard and give your lawn the healthy appearance it deserves. In addition, a well-maintained lawn can increase the overall value of your property. So if you’re looking to sell your home, taking steps to remove weeds from the yard and garden will help your property stand out to potential buyers. For more information about professional weed control services, contact us today. We would be happy to answer any questions you have!


Often overlooked, pruning is an important part of lawn care. It can be done for aesthetic purposes, to train trees and shrubs into a certain shape or to remove damaged branches. It can also help to thin out dense foliage and encourage new growth.

Whether you have an overgrown hedge, a tree with dead branches or a shrub that’s blocking the view of your home, regular pruning can help to keep it looking pristine. It can also protect against damage from wind or snow and prevent diseases from spreading.

Pruning is usually performed in the fall as plants are entering dormancy. This makes it easier for a professional to see what they are doing and it can make the job go faster. It is also easier for them to identify and prune any diseased, weakened or crossing branches or limbs as they will be free of leaves.

This is also the best time to do it as the weather is usually milder and there will be less chance of rain or cold temperatures that could affect the health of the plant. However, pruning can be done any time of the year if necessary.

Other lawn care services that are included in standard lawn maintenance programs include core aeration, topdressing, and slice seeding. These treatments help improve soil health, prepare the lawn for new seeds, and can smooth out uneven sections of your property.

If you want your yard to look its absolute best, then regular lawn maintenance is the way to go. By mowing the lawn at the right height, removing leaves, edging sidewalks and driveways, aerating and treating for pests and weeds, pruning shrubs and trees, and doing special cleanup tasks in spring and fall, you can have the yard of your dreams.

Landscaping – An Extension of Your Interior Living Space

The landscape around your home should be an extension of your interior living space. It should be a place where you and your family can relax, unwind, and entertain friends.


Landscape themes can be formal or informal and may utilize architectural style, a color palette, plant grouping, twig architecture, and foliage texture. Use building materials that match those of the home to create visual consistency. Contact Landscaping Baltimore for professional help.

Landscaping is the process of planning and designing outdoor spaces around buildings. It includes a variety of plant materials, hardscapes, and structures to create functional areas for outdoor recreation and leisure. It also helps to promote environmental stewardship and sustainability.

A well-designed landscape increases the aesthetic value of a property and contributes to the enjoyment of its occupants. The design process begins with a thorough site assessment to identify the existing conditions, constraints, and opportunities. This information is then used to develop a site plan. The plan is then used to guide the construction and maintenance of the landscape.

Hardscapes and plants should be placed in a way that is complementary to the building’s architecture. For example, a pathway or garden should complement the entrance of a home. Landscaping can also increase a home’s curb appeal and help it to stand out in the neighborhood. It can even improve the home’s resale value.

Landscaping is a form of art that involves the creation of gardens, lawns, trees, shrubs, and flowerbeds to add beauty to an area. It can be done by using a variety of different types of plants and flowers to create a unique and attractive environment.

A landscaping plan should consider the surrounding natural environment and climate to ensure that the design is practical and sustainable. For example, it should address issues such as slopes, drainage, soil conditions, utilities, and climate to determine the best plant species and designs.

Landscaping can be used to improve a building’s appearance by creating a focal point or adding color to the space. It can also be used to solve problems such as erosion and flooding by installing retaining walls or other structures. It can even improve the overall health of a person by reducing stress and anxiety, as well as providing an opportunity for physical activity.


Providing a beautiful setting for a building is the primary function of landscaping. Driveways, walks, lawns, shrubbery, gardens and flower-beds are all examples of landscape elements. They must be arranged in a way that creates a joyful environment for the building and its occupants.

Form is a design principle that refers to the overall shape of landscape elements. It contrasts with line in that it includes a third dimension. Using form in the landscape gives it structure and visual balance. Form may be symmetrical, with one side of an area looking exactly like the other, or it can be asymmetrical and more dynamic. For example, a formal garden will typically use plants with tailored forms, such as clipped hedges. In contrast, an informal landscape will often use freer forms that are more natural and flowing (figure 2).

Plantings are usually grouped in ways to influence the eye’s focus and emphasize a design theme. Groupings can also be used to solve landscape problems and reduce maintenance, such as a group of low plantings or a group of trees separating a patio from the house. Form is also influenced by the size and height of landscape elements, with smaller plants taking up less space and taller ones taking up more.

The first step in a landscaping project is inventorying the existing landscape and recording its positive and negative features. An important part of this is identifying existing vegetation that should be retained and worked into the new landscape. It also helps to locate and record any existing structures and their physical characteristics, such as slopes and drainage issues. This information is necessary for a detailed site plan and is critical to the successful design of any landscape project.


Color is one of the most important, yet frequently overlooked aspects of landscape design. It can transform your yard into a work of art, evoking emotions and enhancing the enjoyment you get from your outdoor spaces. It can also be used to achieve a variety of goals including creating focal points, enhancing space and perspective, establishing harmony, utilizing seasonal transitions and promoting relaxation.

Strong colors like reds and yellows draw attention to themselves and can be used to highlight certain elements of your landscaping. Alternatively, soft hues like greens and pinks are more subtle and can be used to pull attention away from unsightly features or to make a garden feel larger.

The relationship between different shades is crucial to a harmonious landscape design. It is generally accepted that colors directly across from each other (complementary) bring out the best in each other, whereas colors that are next to each other on the color wheel (analogous) will blend together more subtly.

Effective use of color can enhance the beauty of your home and elevate its overall value. According to a Clemson University professor, well-designed landscaping can add up to 28% to your property value!

Moreover, beautiful flowers and ornamental trees can boost your mood by triggering happy emotions and elevating your dopamine levels. This chemical is a key component to happiness and improves your sense of well-being. In addition, the sound of water in a fountain or the sight of rippling waterfalls can create a relaxing environment.


The texture of plant foliage, stems and flowers is another important element in landscape design. Contrasting textures produce eye-catching combinations while avoiding monotony and adding depth to the garden. Texture is also a way of addressing all the senses in a landscape, transforming it from an ordinary flat space to a living canvas that engages sight, smell and touch.

Like color, the effect of a garden’s texture can change with viewing distance and lighting. For example, close up, needle-leaf evergreens have a fine texture, but from a distance they appear coarse. The branching structure of the plant also affects its texture: tight-branched plants, such as Japanese yew and honey locust, have a dense texture while loosely-branched plants, such as ferns and lilyturf, have a light and airy feel.

Using a variety of textures in the garden is an easy and effective way to add interest and contrast. Pairing coarse and fine textures, such as lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantina) with glossy hydrangeas, creates visual drama while creating a harmonious blend. Regularly patterned leaves, such as those of silver lace dusty miller and red salvia, provide the same type of contrasting texture while adding a complementary floral color.

When selecting plants to incorporate into a landscape, consider the foliar expression of texture: coarse leaf surfaces work well with rough paving materials while delicate ferns and perennials complement smooth flagstone. Hardscape materials can also create textures: rock gardens work well with a variety of textured mulches, while crushed, washed and split-faced stone adds depth to a garden’s visual appeal.

Adding in other landscape elements, such as water features and hardscape edging, further enhances the impact of a garden’s textured elements. Plants that allow the user to interact with them by touching, such as feathery kale or frothy lilyturf, are great for adding a tactile dimension to the garden while also promoting interaction and engagement with the landscape.


Landscape maintenance, or groundskeeping, is the upkeep of a yard, garden and other outdoor spaces on a home or commercial property. It includes tasks such as pruning, mulching, mowing, edging, fertilizing, watering and pest management. It also includes more complex projects like retaining walls, patios, driveways and fences.

Landscaping services help homeowners boost their curb appeal and make a good first impression to visitors. This may be important if they are trying to sell their home. Studies have also shown that resting in an aesthetically pleasing environment can benefit a person physically and mentally.

To keep a landscape in its best shape, the right plants and other features need to be placed properly. For example, a tree should not be planted too close to the house as it might eventually block windows or hinder access. In addition, it is necessary to consider the amount of shade and sun that a plant gets and its growth rate when planting.

Landscaping services are not cheap and the costs can add up quickly. Often, landscaping companies do not factor in indirect expenses such as equipment rentals and employee wages when they are estimating their cost per job. This can cause them to lose money on each project. To increase profits, they must learn how to manage their overhead and expenses effectively. This may include using punch card systems to track employee hours, or paying employees on a per-job basis instead of hourly. It could even mean installing GPS tracking software to monitor the crew’s movements to and from jobsites. Lastly, it may involve implementing new processes such as a dedicated office manager or hiring a full-time bookkeeper to ensure the company is running efficiently.